#school guidance

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3 months ago

Tory peer says trans youth shouldn't transition 'until their late 20s'

Support for delayed transitioning until late twenties for young trans people
Debate in House of Lords on supporting trans kids in schools and opposition from LGBTQ+ organizations [ more ]
3 months ago

Teachers get new guidance as ministers ban' mobile phones in schools

Education Secretary announced guidance to ban mobile phones in schools, aiming for consistency
The guidance is non-statutory, allowing headteachers to prohibit phones during lessons, breaks, and search students if needed. [ more ]
6 months ago

Some teachers self-censoring' to avoid causing religious offence, poll finds

16% of teachers have self-censored to avoid causing religious offence
The Batley Grammar School incident has scared the teaching profession
Government has abandoned plans for new guidance to support schools on the issue [ more ]
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